My Blog List

Monday, 28 October 2013

Missed the hurricane in Yorkshire

Rack has gone back down to Cornwall to dig in for the winter so is probably floating in a cave somewhere. I think of him as the undead so he'll be fine.  Shan't imagine I'll be seeing him til spring.  He might send a floppy wet tattered piece of paper as an email attachment with a shopping list on for when he wakes up but that's about it.

We are very wet here and a bit windy but nothing much.  Into therapy again this afternoon to pick up where I left off five years ago.......hoping for inspiration for my writing, feel bland today!  Have to get the first OU assignment in by Thursday - short story which will be based on a trip I took into the depths of Jesmond Dene in Newcastle years ago in the dark and upcoming eye operation.  Working title 'The long night walk' anticipating blindness!  Sounds really weird when I put it like that but I'm having fun with it......

Todays pick of the pics:
Getting ready for the Night Walk.  Fat lot of good glasses will be in the dark but I need them to type.

Friday, 25 October 2013

I wonder where I am......?

Did not sleep at all last night.  I was staying at a local community college for a 3 day 'creative writing' course (fun) in accommodation in stable block (not fun).  It would have been fine except for the other pesky students who decided to get drunk, play guitar and stomp up and down stairs till 3.30.  Possibly dropped off when there was a fire alarm so we were all hustled outside (not raining) to grump away.  Back to bed too wired to sleep then it was breakfast and packing and back to study.   These little interludes at this amazing college are my holidays when Mossy goes off with his red spotty handkerchief to stay with a friend and have loads of walks and I get fed and learn (possibly) and sleep - only not this time.  Think I'll walk the Cleveland Way for my next holiday and just write about it........and Mossy can pull me up the hills.  I wish I had the wit to write about this adventure but I'm too tired
Night night!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Good evening from the backroom

I cannot believe that I have just spent 2 hours trying to find this blog in the tangled everglades of google.  I now have several accounts, numerous passwords and resets and finally got back here which I think is a real achievement.

No-one is posting on my OU course forum and I'm getting cheesed off. Would much rather make things up over here - well maybe I will now that I can get back!

When I download it I shall upload here (hooray) pic of best friend in Whitby.......
 we shared fish and chips!

Friday, 11 October 2013

This is my friend Tina looking into a rusty metal grave in Whitby churchyard.  There seems to be a rusty metal theme in my photos.....

Another first

First actual, face to face, in real life tutorial in Leeds tomorrow.  Only 2 so determined as only an obsessive can be to get there.  Dog sitter, car, bus, bus then bingo, I'm at the Rosebowl.  Instructed to take pens and paper (or tablet) as we'll be doing some writing. I'll be taking my tablets anyway which might help my writing indirectly but I am very excited.  Going to counselling on Monday to help me deal with it, long-term Rogerian person centred - what could be better! Plus tea and biscuits?

I have consulted the Oblique Strategy Cards for some help in kicking off latest assignment - write a short story........there are so many stories out there, how do I chose?  However Oblique Strategy phrase was "which frame would make this look right?"  I've only got as far as drawing a frame around "frame".  (Where are emoticons when you need them.......)

Anywayoop Oblique Strategies created by Brian Eno and friend in 1970s to help them break through creative blocks are a good look at through Googling.

The only frame that really goes anywhere with me is the sort of framing you do when you're in a spot of bother (ie fraud/murder) and need to make it look as if someone else has done it ie 'make it look right'.  Don't think this is a goer.  What am I going to write my short story about? Must mull and gaze gently into the distance in case I see a fragment of a story flicker past.  Off to do that.  Also taking my voice recorder as an aide for all those Alan Bennet moments on the bus(es)

Rack is getting ready to hibernate.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

This is mossy getting fed up with Rack on a bad day........
Good mornin all.  I'm helping my friend Tina set up her blog Spinning a yarn a mill girls tales when I haven't really got a clue what I'm doing.  Publish or save or post or view blog or ........HELP!  It'll all come right I'm sure - I think........ I'm delighted and amazed that I'm getting some feedback I now have a duty to my followers.........

Tina's now posting, has managed to upload a photo (more than I have so I'm well impressed)

Rack is sulking because of what I've said but he'll never crack a smile by being fed up.  Glower was the boring response.  Vikings finger is having a good stretch and that's cracking even if Rack's smile isn't.  For now, bye.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

First Post

Being as how the last post is played when leaving a base here be the first post of Roon Vallack as I take up possession of this bit of cyberland........ and I begin mycareer as a writer.

Freewrites and clusters and word hoards and character led creation are new concepts but obviously what a writer needs up their sleeve.   My upturned sleeve reveals viking fingers which reach to form claws, stretching over the keyboard must help this even if the content of talon-tainted offering is not of the finest just yet!

I am many names and Roon Vallack has chosen to come to the fore and be my outward confessor.  Roon has a brother Rack who may make an appearance but he is a bit both distainful of anything that isn't stuffed and also illiterate.  I will have to scribe for him and don't know if I can be bothered.   Anyway not an issue at the moment with the new craze for the taxidermy of stuffing ethically sourced guineapigs - this for folk who are bored with knitting.   (Broadcasting House this morning!)

Off now, to another world, another name and incarnation.  Be back soon. x