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Friday, 11 October 2013

Another first

First actual, face to face, in real life tutorial in Leeds tomorrow.  Only 2 so determined as only an obsessive can be to get there.  Dog sitter, car, bus, bus then bingo, I'm at the Rosebowl.  Instructed to take pens and paper (or tablet) as we'll be doing some writing. I'll be taking my tablets anyway which might help my writing indirectly but I am very excited.  Going to counselling on Monday to help me deal with it, long-term Rogerian person centred - what could be better! Plus tea and biscuits?

I have consulted the Oblique Strategy Cards for some help in kicking off latest assignment - write a short story........there are so many stories out there, how do I chose?  However Oblique Strategy phrase was "which frame would make this look right?"  I've only got as far as drawing a frame around "frame".  (Where are emoticons when you need them.......)

Anywayoop Oblique Strategies created by Brian Eno and friend in 1970s to help them break through creative blocks are a good look at through Googling.

The only frame that really goes anywhere with me is the sort of framing you do when you're in a spot of bother (ie fraud/murder) and need to make it look as if someone else has done it ie 'make it look right'.  Don't think this is a goer.  What am I going to write my short story about? Must mull and gaze gently into the distance in case I see a fragment of a story flicker past.  Off to do that.  Also taking my voice recorder as an aide for all those Alan Bennet moments on the bus(es)

Rack is getting ready to hibernate.


  1. Hope your tutorial goes well. My first one is only in November.
    Oblique Strategies sounds interesting - I think I will have to look that up.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Nikki, I find the OS cards interesting and fun. Going to have to pick another one tho ! 1st tutorial not a great success - nothing really wrong with the tutor I just don't find him inspiring and the whole day was dreary for me. Bye for now and thanks for sending message, Rosie
